December 30, 2013


I hope and pray your special day was filled with laughter and love. I thought about you all that day as I always do. You're never far from my thoughts. Always held close in my heart. Seven years old! I can only imagine how much you've grown. How much you've learned. Although I miss you as much as always and yearn to wrap my arms around you, the pain is more bearable. I'm trying to see each passage as bringing our reunion one year closer. God brought you and I together on April 13,2007. I believe his will was interrupted by humans and circumstances. He will bring us back together again. I long for the day when I will hug you close. I will have years of cards, love, and memories to share with you. Until that day comes, where we will be reunited, hopefully never to be separated again, I hold you in my heart. At night when I look up at the moon, I'll be thinking of you. Be happy sweetest girl. I hope you laugh often. I love you Forever and Always plus One More Day! XXXOOO Mom

August 15, 2013


Hello sweetest girl. You've been on my mind a lot recently. Wow! First grade! You'll be 7 soon. You must be so big! I bet you love school and that you are a great student! I'm sure your teachers love you. I pray you are loved and happy. I love you very much Ahmi girl! Forever and Always plus One More Day! When the time comes, I pray that you will search for me. I'm confident you won't have to look hard or long. I've spent the time since we were separated laying a trail for you. Please know that no matter what, no matter when, I am here waiting 24/7. I will always be here for you. I will provide you a safe harbor, whatever you need. I will NEVER BETRAY YOU TO anyone! No one has my loyalty over you! Grow and learn sweetheart. I know that each year brings you closer to searching on the computer for answers. I'm waiting anxiously to provide them. I miss and love you Sweetest Ahmi girl! Every minute of every day. Forever and Always plus One More Day. Your so called parents wouldn't allow us to say goodbye. Maybe that was for the best. Please look for me honey. I want to be reunited with you more than anything in this world!